
Over years of teaching, I have written workbooks for students and articles, some rather scholarly and others for general reading in the Church, which may be termed devotional.  I have written a book, Jacob: His Family and Yours, and am in the process of writing another book on the Christian worldview.  These books, particularly my workbook for Biblical Theology, which I taught for years, titled Ancient Hopes, are now being self-published by Amazon.


Jacob, His Family, and Yours

This book is an exegetical study of the patriarchal stories in Genesis 12-50, focusing on Jacob’s family in particular and the so-called “Joseph Story.”  I was inspired to write this book after having read Evelyn Underhill’s glorious book Mysticism while reading through the Hebrew text of the Joseph Story.  The Underhill book gave me a vocabulary to understand my experience with God and spiritual realities.  While I was deeply engaged in this, it dawned on me that the patriarchal stories were written not only to chronicle the beginnings of the Hebrew race but also to give deep insight into everyone’s spiritual journey, or in the language of this book, the ascent to God.  Finally, the story is written in the context of a family, and in this case, a very dysfunctional one. Therefore, the book ties in family systems theory to help us understand ourselves in the biological and ecclesial families we find ourselves in.  The book ties together a close study of Scripture with spiritual theology and family systems theory.  Click to find it on Amazon.


The Little Book of Big Frontiers. Purpose and Intended Readers:

It has been my experience that Christians do not live by, and are hardly aware of, a Christian cosmology. We tend to live by bits and pieces of cosmological fragments supplied by the contemporary Church and secular world, but there is no comprehension of the overall design of reality and no all-embracing vision of creation that the Bible provides and the Church has taught for centuries.  I believe that this is the result of increasing ignorance of the Bible, and the almost complete loss of philosophical thinking in our culture.  The matter is simply too complex for the typical Christian tying to survive day by day, and so the matter is dropped as irrelevant.  The consequences are deadly to the Church; ignorance breeds arrogance, indifference, and finally spiritual death.  This book is intended to make the complex issue of cosmology simple and understandable to the general Christian reading public.  Click to find it on Amazon.


The following Devotional Articles are available here. Click on any article to view and download.
Stay tuned for more upcoming works and relevant materials from Fr. John Worgul

Devotional Articles

Scholarly Articles